
Entry1  hatonina
Root  2  hatona
Part of speech  3  passive verb
Explanations in Malagasy  4  [1.1] Akaikezina, tomorina: Nohatoniny aho ka nataho tra
Explanations in English  5  [1.2] to be approached, to be approximated.
6  [1.7] to be approached;
Explanations in French  7  [1.8] dont on s'approche;
8  Present :
9  Past :
10  Future :
11  Imperative :
Compound words 
Proverbs  13  Proverbs containing the word hatonina

Anagrams  14  ahantony, anantohy, antohina, hanitoan, hanotany, hanotina, hantoani, hatonany, hatonina, hiontana, hitonana, hotainan, hotanany, hotanian, hotanina, iantohan, ihantona, itohanan, natohany, natohina, niantoha, nihotana, nitahoan, nitohana, nohantai, nohatain, notahany, notahina, notanahi, notinaha, tohanany, tohinana

Updated on 2025/01/21